Wheel Women Cycling
Started Wheel Women Cycling in 2012 in an effort to help women learn more about cycling by providing a safe and inclusive space to improve their skills. Wheel Women is the largest all women cycling club in Australia and the recipient of many awards for our work engaging women in recreational cycling. The mission is simply to see more women chose and active lifestyle.

Wheel Women Japan Tours
Tour Guide
In 2016 we created the inaugural Wheel Women Japan Tour. We have since tried to travel annually to Japan to ride the Shimanami Kaido as a way to help women learn about adventure by bicycle, and to meet local women cyclists for a cross cultural exchange.
Tours encompass cycling but cultural immersion to take women out of their comfort zone.

Cycling Safety Consultant
Senior Coach
Working alongside Australia's foremost cycling safety group, the Amy Gillett Foundation, we have run courses for vulnerable road users including truck drivers to help them understand the cyclists viewpoint better. I have worked as a consultant to increase rider safety for international organisations and completed safety audits to ensure best practice.

Cycle Tourism Consultant
Inbound Cycle Tourism in Japan
My experience of travelling to Japan as a cycle tourist as well as running tours has lead me to develop a high level of understanding the needs of the travelling cyclist. From logistics of getting bikes to Japan, to how to transport bikes across the country it is all part of what I have learned over many visits. I love sharing my knowledge and helping cycle tourism in Japan develop.

Writing and being written about!
Providing content for cycling and being featured
I have had articles published in Total Women's Cycling UK, Australian Triathlete Magazine, Ride On magazine and Travel Play Live women's adventure magazine. My experiences of touring by bike, understanding women's cycling, development of gear for women have all provided engaging content for publications. I've also been talked about in articles too such as Treadlie!

International and local
I have presented on the topic of women's cycling in a broad range of events both internationally and locally.
• Velo City Global 2014 international conference
• Amy Gillett Foundation Grand Fondo 2016
• This Girl Can Vic media events
• Cycling Shimanami Summit 2018, Hiroshima, Japan

Winning awards since 2013
• 2013 Cycling Victoria Champions of Change Award
• 2013 Victorian Department of Sport and Recreation Welcome and Inclusive Club Award
• 2014 Cycling Victoria Iris Dixon Women’s Champion Award
• 2017 VicSport Award for Outstanding Outdoor Active Recreation Program
• 2018 Cycling Luminaries Award for Leadership

Building Bridges
Taking women's to cycling to Japan
Wheel Women has had a long association with Japan and we continue to build bridges between cultures. We have been able to implement a Wheel Women Japan Group for local cyclists in Hiroshima, worked alongside the Hiroshima Prefectural Government to promote Hiroshima to Australia and I have also met with Governor Yuzaki to talk about cycling.

This Girl Can VIC
The This Girl Can Vic program is a Victorian government initiative run by VicHealth in an effort to encourage women to be more active. I have acted as an Ambassador for the program since 2019. My role is to speak in public, appear in television adverts, and be available to speak to media about getting women active.

Jean Hailes For Women's Health
I have represented Jean Hailes For Women's Health, Australia's foremost women's health organisation, since 2018. By staying active we can do so much for our mental and physical outcomes and my cycling has played a huge role in my own well-being. Encouraging women to be active is my passion.

Specialized Bicycles
Specialized Bicycles has been a major supporter of Wheel Women since 2014 and I actively participate as a Women's Ambassador for the brand. Specialized has always had a focus on helping women ride and being a part of that has always been a real joy. Great bikes to help more women ride...brilliant!

Cycling, English speaking, mentoring
From riding with a group of teenagers across a 600km bike ride four years running to speaking English with a group of locals in Onomichi Japan, contributing in any meaningful way I can provides opportunity and fulfilment in the most unexpected ways. Volunteering is very much the phiolosphy that drives Wheel Women.